Loy Krathong - The Blazing Skies in Thailand

Us, dreamers, we hunger for wonderful breathtaking visual sights. And here is one. Loy Krathong is a festival held each year in several countries, including Thailand. Seeing this festival here, is

Linderhof Palace - A Bedroom With a Castle Built Around It

Schloss Linderhof is without a doubt, one of the best german castles to visit, while in Europe. Imagine this. You set up your lavishly aristocratic blue bedroom. Then build a palace around it. That’s how you do it. That’s Lindrehof Palace, in Ettel - Bavaria - Germany, home of Ludwig II crowned king in 1864.

Perfect Coffee Mug to Warn Your Colleagues in the Morning

If you like coffee as much as I do, then you would love this perfect coffee mug. It’s spot on with its message. Because I cannot function properly for the day, until I indulge my morning caffeine liquid sent from the Gods. To taste it it’s so great that I don’t like anything messing with or delaying this pleasant morning event.

Just Do It Leggings from Nike

Nike’s indisputable legendary motto carries one of the most powerful messages. It’s the perfect one to keep in mind, when you tirelessly work out. These leggings from Nike takes it up a notch. And every time you see your sweaty self in the mirror, their slogan will be there to remind you: Keep It Simple - Just Do It.

Tosua - The Giant Swimming Hole

One of my favorite mind sports is to imagine awesome places to go, whenever I’m bored or the weather outside is just dreadful. And here is one of them.

A large, lush green, natural crystal clear swimming pool. It’s called Tosua and you can find it on Upolu island in Samoa. Tosua means just that - “gigantic swimming hole”.

Most Expensive One Bedroom in San Francisco

If you haven’t found out yet, the most expensive one bedroom apartment in San Francisco, is up for grabs. For no more than $2.495 million this open space marvel, could be yours to forever brag about. Placed among historical landmarks, surrounded by luxurious neighborhoods - what more do you need ?

Osiria Rose

This is one of the most beautiful and elegant roses, your eyes have ever seen. Red-white combined brings the meaning of beauty and purity. Unfortunately, there are few nurseries that grow Osiria Rose. This plant is very hard to grow, for reasons of poor health, makes few flowers and the roses re-bloom very slowly.

Amalia de Llano, Countess of Vilches

Glimpse from a time when music was music and women were ladies. Here is Countess of Vilches, Amalia de Llano portrayed by painter Federico de Madrazo in 1853. Adored by Madrid's society she was not only a writer, but also a common figure at all the theater and literary events of the time.

Typewriter iPad

At first, this seems like a splendid idea. A typewriter iPad. Who wouldn't want to type on their iPad, preserving that vintage feeling made by the sound of clapping buttons ? Yet, while I was watching the video, I couldn't help but cringe with every keystroke. Poor iPad sounded doomed to be hammered to death.

Nian Gao Fish at Ritz Carlton

Spring is upon us here in the northern hemisphere, and the Ritz Carlton hotels welcomes its customers with delicious stuff. Be prepared to get lured with tasty looking Nian Gao fish, Chinese Dumplings and Sweet Rice Balls just to they name a few. It doesn't count that Chinese New Year is passed already.

Glow in the Dark Car From Nissan

Brilliant minds from Nissan UK, just brought up this marvelous piece of jewel. Based on the Nissan Leaf car model, this turquoise wonder simply glows in the dark. The components that goes into the paint are pretty expensive. Such that this precious vehicle won’t see the release to general public anytime soon.

Pillow Cup Holder

That pesky TV remote control will cease to go missing between pillows. On top of that, your savory drinks can now lay beside you on the couch. Or even in bed for that matter. This pillow cup holder will do just that. A brilliant two slot support for drinks or the remote. One that beautifully blends with your pillow pattern.